How to Grind Weed Without a Grinder

It’s quirky, right? This thought is interesting. Even if you have the best marijuana, there are still steps involved in rolling the joint. The most difficult step is grinding your weed.

What do you do if you don’t have a grinder? It is possible to learn how to grind marijuana without a grinder. You can learn how to grind weed with a grinder using a variety of DIY hacks.

It’s actually for your good, though, when you stop to think about it. A grinder is a modern piece of equipment that allows you to crush the buds into fine powder. Before grinders were invented, people used to be able to grind their own marijuana. Why shouldn’t we? Let’s start by looking at the best way to grind marijuana without a grinder.

1. Use the Scissors

You will need a scissor to cut your cannabis and grind it yourself. You can smash the cannabis with your hands and make it powder. Although it may not look as fine as a grinder, it will do the job.

If you plan to use scissors to cut your weed, you may need a small cup. Simply place the weed in the glass and begin cutting. The weed will be placed inside the glass, so it won’t get everywhere. It’s even easier to roll your joint, and get high.

2. Use a Cheese Grater

You can find cheese graters in your home kitchen. They are also useful if you don’t have a grinder. Although it can be tedious, it is the best way to get high-quality marijuana smoking.

Keep a poker handy in case you have trouble cutting the weed from the aperture of your grater. Start by placing a plate on either side of the grater.

3. Use a Knife and Chopping Board

It’s so much more fun to grind weed without grinders. You can use your regular knife and chopping boards to crush your weed. You can grind your weed with non-serrated knives or plastic boards.

While the nugs might be small, it will make shopping much easier. You can show your culinary skills and create some delicious weed for your next joint.

4. Use a Coffee Grinder

If you don’t have a grinder, you can use a coffee grinder to grind your marijuana. You can use both an electric and manual grinder to grind your marijuana plants. We recommend manual coffee grinders, as they are more efficient at crushing marijuana than electric ones.

5. Use A Blender

Blending marijuana in a blender is too showy and exaggerated. Simply add your stuff to the blender and close the lid. Turn it on.

In less than one minute, your weed will be ground. It can also be over-grinded, just like the electric coffee maker. If you don’t want to use a grinder to grind your weed, set it to the pulse setting and blend it for 10-15 sec max. One hand should be used as a bowl, the other as a pestle. To make sure that the buds are finely ground, you will need to press your first hand against them. We don’t recommend this method as you can damage the trichomes, where the majority of the cbd wholesale and THC are stored.

By Arianna