What exactly are cannabis edibles and what can they do for you?

Cannabis edibles refer to foods and drinks infused with cannabis. Edibles aren’t new, even though they have seen a rise in popularity. There has been a long history in which people have incorporated cannabis into their lives. Thanks to advancements in infusion methods, it is possible to find a wide variety of cannabis-infused baked products, gummies, seasoning packets, cooking oil, chocolates, mints, sodas. The best thing about cannabis-infused edibles? You don’t have to smoke any cannabis. Consuming cannabis-infused edibles are easy because we all know how it tastes.

It takes edibles 30 minutes to two hours to begin to show their effects. The effects from edible cannabis have to pass through your digestive process before entering your bloodstream. It can take up to 24 hours for the effects to start to kick in. The amount of cannabis consumed can affect the length of your high. It may take as long as 24 hours, or up to 7 days depending on how strong it is.

This guide is designed for anyone who wants to try edibles for first time.

How to taste first edibles?

While it can seem daunting to attempt edibles for your first time, it’s possible. Here are our top tips to help you enjoy the best edibles experience.

  • Enjoy gummy edibles with CBD as well as THC.
  • Start with 2 mg or less of THC.
  • You can find products that you can easily dose.
  • Wait at the least two hours before you consume more.

Select your cannabis oil

Cannabinoids, chemical compounds both in cannabis and the body, are.

Let this sink in for just a moment. You can find both cannabinoids within weed and in your body. However, we have two different names for cannabinoids: phytocannabinoids and endocannabinoids. Cannabinoids we make in our bodies. Phytocannabinoids come from the cannabis plant.

We can credit phytocannabinoids (often called cannabinoids) for the mental, physical, and emotional effects we experience when we smoke cannabis. While there is much more research needed, phytocannabinoids have the potential for affecting a wide range of physiological processes such as pain and inflammation, anxiety, sleep, and inflammation. There is a full list cannabinoids that you can find out more about, but we’ll keep it simple and focus on CBD and THC here.

You can get a strong, psychoactive buzz from THC. Because it is the most common and well-known cannabinoid in cannabis, as well as the one that gives you the classic weed high. THC may give you feelings of euphoria and creativity. It can also relax your body and provide pain relief. Others may experience confusion or short-term memory losses, shifts, time perception, rapid hearts rate, lowered coordination and anxiety. You can experiment safely with the lowest amount of cannabinoids. The safest method to avoid side effects is to mix it with other Cannabinoids (which I’ll get to in just a minute).

CBD provides a calm and barely-there feeling. Any medication that alters brain activity (e.g. CBD) is considered psychoactive. You shouldn’t expect to get high from CBD by taking it in large quantities. CBD has been shown not to intoxicate, but it can be used to treat anxiety. CBD-only edibles will give you the best chance of not feeling any at all, rather than feeling excessive.


By Arianna